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몬타르보 EASE파일



EASE Focus2 - Developped by Ahnert Feistel Media Group -

Is a three-dimensional, acoustic simulation software for the configuration and modeling of line array systems, digitally steered columns and conventional loudspeakers. 

In EASE Focus 2, each line array or loudspeaker is described by a so-called system definition which contains the mechanical, electronic and acoustic properties of the loudspeaker system.

GLL data files created and supplied by Montarbo are suited for the follow products:

- RA16

- RA18

- RA18X

- RAB1815

- MOL1818

- SPOT1500

- SPOT 2500

- WIND 2012

- WIND 2200

- E616A

Any GLL file can be loaded into the EASE acoustic modeling software.

Below you can download the zip pack containing all the GLL library files and the installer file of Ease Focus 2.


Download here:

Ease Focus2 Gll library files

Ease Focus2 installer (contains Montarbo speakers data)



EASE 4 - Developped by Ahnert Feistel Media Group -

The EASE software suite provides system designers and consultants with an invaluable set of tools for all aspects of professional practice, from detailed, realistic modeling and simulation of venue acoustics and sound system performance to informative and engaging client presentations, as well as professional data assessment and verification.

EASE models are an ideal way to explore options and to evaluate what works and what doesn’t work –before the virtual venue becomes a job site and changes are time-consuming and expensive.

Unlike Ease Focus 2, with Ease4 you can evaluate sound behavior even in indoor situations (providing simulates walls, ceiling, columns etc..).


GLL data files created and supplied by Montarbo are suited for the follow products:

- SPOT1500

- SPOT 2500

- WIND 2012

- WIND 2200

- E616A

- E616S

- EARTH118

- EARTH212

- EARTH218


- V10A

- V10P

- MOL1818

- RA16

- RA18

- RA18X

- RAB1815


Any GLL file can be loaded into the EASE acoustic modeling software.

Below you can download the zip pack containing all the GLL library files.


Download here:

Ease 4 Gll library files

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